Thai White Tom Yum Clams 泰白东炎啦啦 850g


The hot and sour White Tom Yum is delicious, and the clams are savory-sweet.


INGREDIENTS: Clams, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime Powder, Seasoning, Fish Sauce, Sugar, MSG, Garlic, Parsley, Chili

Food photo for illustration only

Cooking instruction:

1. Please thoroughly defrost frozen food before cooking
2. Open the lime powder package and pour the contents into an empty serving bowl
3. When the water is boiled and reaches a temperature of 100°C, please adjust to medium heat
4. Put the food packaging containing the clams (safe for high-temperature cooking) into the pot of boiling water and simmer for 5 – 7 minutes
5. Cut the seal and pour the food out on the serving bowl (that contains the lime powder), stir it, and it’s ready to serve

1. 速冻食品先完全解冻
2. 打开酸橙粉包装,将内容物倒入空碗中
3. 开水锅煮水到100°度时, 水沸腾将火调至中火
4. 将装有啦啦的食品包装(高温蒸煮袋)放进开水锅里泡 5-7分钟
5. 剪开封口, 将煮熟的啦啦上桌前,将食物倒在盛有酸橙粉的碗上,搅拌均匀即可享用

Out of stock

Product of Singapore

Keep Frozen at -18°C

No Preservatives


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